2025 Elections

Updated 15 March 2025 by Warren Fitzgerald

Nominations for the NZCA executive (committee)

Want to contribute to NZCA’s mission by volunteering on the exec?  We always want to hear from passionate people who can volunteer their time. You can apply for any role, even president! If you are interested, please have a chat with us to ask any questions you might have. 

Members of the NZCA who wish to fill any of the roles in the executive, must send an application to secretary@nzcanyoningassociation.org by the deadline.  

We will acknowledge receipt of all applications. Each application should be one page or less and include a profile photo, and a biography that states your experience and skills that you would apply to the role. To learn more about the roles available within the executive, check out our ‘about’ page to learn about who we are and our strategic objectives.   

Executive discussions are mostly done online, though there is an expectation that exec members will meet at the bi-annual canyoning festival to meet face to face.

All applicant bio’s will be published on this website.

Timeline for elections:

15 March:  Nominations open

1 April: Nominations close

10 April: Voting (if needed) opens

30 April: Voting (if needed) ends. Elected members join the executive, for a handover period.

1 August:  New executive takes office. 

Vacancies on the executive

We currently have one vacancy for a general committee member, but you can apply for any role within the executive committee. Check out our current executive positions to learn more.

How we run an election: 

In accordance with the NZCA rules,

  • If the number of nominations (including incumbents) is less than the number of positions, the election will be decided by a vote of the incumbent executive.
  • If the number of nominations (including incumbents) exceeds the number of positions (15), a vote by email from members will be carried out during the voting period.