National SAREX 2024
Haast Pass region
Friday 1 March 2024
About the SAREX
This is the National Canyon SAREX, which will be an official training event of Land Search and Rescue NZ.
The SAREX is organised by NZCA, with support from Wanaka Land Search and Rescue.
We will be adding information about the SAREX on this page as things are confirmed.
Who is involved?
The SAREX will be limited to 48 people, who are already registered with NZCA as CanyonSAR volunteers, with a current LandSAR ID number.
If you want to get involved in CanyonSAR, then see the information on the rescue page.

The SAREX is limted to 48 people, and only open to those who are registered with NZCA as CanyonSAR volunteers, and who have a LandSAR ID number.
At 1o October, there are 34 registrants. So from now on, registrations will be accepted on a case by case basis. If you are interested in attending, please contact
This early registration process is to provide some certainty around travel cost reimbursement for people who will have to travel from far away to attend the SAREX.
If more than 48 people apply, then a wait list will be established, and we’ll look to reconfirm peoples intentions to participate in the new year.
The scenario is under development, but will likely involved search/hasty team taskings as well as a rescue task involving stretchers.
SAREX Schedule
The schedule is subject to change, but should look a bit like:
- 7:30am Sign in, meet your team, personal gear check
- 8am SAREX briefing at Makarora Fire Station.
- 9am Start of taskings
- 5pm End of taskings
- 5.30pm Debriefing at Makarora Fire Station
Safety management / command & control
The SAREX is a group training event of the NZCA, supported by Wanaka SAR and with funding from LandSAR NZ.
We will use the LandSAR NZ Safety Management System, which includes the recently published Land Search and Rescue NZ CanyonSAR Safety Standard. (Requires SAR member login)
The SMS documentation responsibilities are as follows:
- LandSAR Safety Plan: For the SAREX event, this is compiled by NZCA with support from Wanaka SAR
- Team Tasking and Safety Assessment – Page 1 – Wanaka SAR Incident Management Team
- Team Tasking and Safety Assessment – Page 2 – Canyon Team Leaders
- SEARCHERS / Field Safety Checks – Canyon Team Leaders in consultation with their field team.
Reimbursement for expenses
What you can claim
Each LandSAR volunteer who is confirmed for the SAREX can claim up to $400 for travel in accordance with the LandSAR expense claim policy (on the LandSAR member Portal)
We will have to be strict with this policy: It is essential that you read the policy before you start spending money.
Other expenses such as accomodation and food will be participant responsibility.
How to claim
Use this claim form, and send it to no later than 14 March 2024
Contact the organisers
Dan Clearwater is the NZCA lead organiser for the SAREX
If you need info now, which isn’t explained on this page, then please contact