Central North Island Meetup

Hillary Outdoors, Tongarirro, NZ

Friday 18 to Sunday 20 March 2022

What is a NZCA meetup?

A NZCA meetup is a weekend for members to turn up in one spot, meet old friends, make new ones and organise your own canyoning trips.

We arrange a central hub, and usually, a BBQ/combined dinner at least one of the nights, but there are no organised trips, workshops, raffles and other fancy stuff like at our bi-annual festival.  

 A meetup is for independant canyoners, who can look after themselves in a group canyoning trip.  You organise your own food, gear, transport, mates and so on.

Check out the Facebook event to chat to other people attending!

NZ is at Red, and the meetup is ON!!!

We’re complying with Red protocols:

  • Everyone must have a vax certificate
  • Max 100 people at the venues, 1m spacing where possible
  • Scan in, and keep a record of where you’ve been 


NZCA events are for members. In 2022, NZCA brought in a membership fee, so if you went to the festival, you’re probably already a member.  If not, please join up below. If you’re unsure, email secretary@nzcanyoningassociation.org

For the Central North Island Meetup, there’s a $25 registration fee which will cover the cost of: 

  • 2 nights accomodation (Fri/Sat) at Taurewa House, Hillary Outdoors with full facilities.
  • A BBQ dinner on the Saturday night.  

The button below will take you to our secure Stripe powered payment gateway. After payment, it will take you to a form to record your basic details and dietaries.

Event terms & conditions

All NZCA events are for current, paid up NZCA members only. Any registration fee covers the actual costs of running the event only.

Members agree that they participate in NZCA activities at their own risk, and agree to take responsibility for their own safety during those activities. Members agree to hold blameless the event organizers, the NZ Canyoning Association, its executive and its members for any loss, or damage, caused by negligence, act or omission whether consequential or indirect, as a result of participation in any NZ Canyoning Association event.

Members agree that they have enough personal equipment to keep themselves safe/warm and enough skills/experience in aquatic canyons in New Zealand to look after themselves in normal conditions.

You must be at least 18 at the start of the event to participate.

NZCA events are not a cheap guided canyoning experience. They are events for self-sufficient canyoners who at least:

  • have the ability and judgement to manage their personal safety in a canyon.
  • have the suitable equipment to keep themselves safe and warm when canyoning.

We expect each group to have the minimum group safety equipment of first aid kit and emergency communication (PLB or InReach).

It’s ok if you can’t rig pitches, or need someone to make leadership decisions or help you learn a few extra things along the way. 

We just don’t want people who need constant supervision to stop them hurting themselves, folks who need their descender rigged for them, or who rock up in boardies, Teva’s with an ATC and no helmet… 

If you’re unsure if you have enough skill/gear/experience, please talk to us, we’re pretty friendly 😉

We generally won’t offer refunds on registration fees.

Bear in mind the registration fee is set to cover any budgeted event costs. The organisers could be booking venues, buying consumables/food etc, we really don’t want to be refunding people who are just changing their minds…   

If you are genuinely unwell please do not attend: we will give you a full refund. Contact secretary@nzcanyoningassociation.org


The Canyons

Check these local beauties out on KiwiCanyons.org


Friday 18 Mar 2022

  • From 6 pm: meet and greet at the meetup hub details below
  • Organise your own canyoning trips for the following day

Saturday 19 Mar 2022

  • Day time: Go canyoning!
  • After the canyon: CHECK, CLEAN, DRY *the venue will have a cleaning facility for canyon gear!
  • 6pm: BBQ/Combined dinner at the meetup hub
  • Organise your own canyoning trips for the following day

Sunday 20 Mar 2022

  • Day time: Go canyoning!
  • Drive home tired and stoked.
  • Before the next canyon, CHECK, CLEAN, DRY

Accomodation and meetup Hub

Accomodation and meetup Hub will be at the Taurewa House, Hillary Outdoors Education Center, Tongarirro. 

Facilities available:

  • Communual bunk beds
  • Lounges
  • Showers
  • Full kitchen 
  • Fridges
  • Drying rooms
  • Fireplace
  • DIDYMO cleaning station.
From SH47, turn off on Pukehinau road, look for orange signs which say Taurewa House to the (north) right.


Don’t get confused with Taurewa camp which is a private facility in the nearby area. 

Safety Documents​

  • Each group must fill out an activity sheet and sign out at the meetup hub / with the sign out person at the end of each activity.
  • Each group will be expected to have the minimum safety equipment: PLB*, First Aid. 

*cell phone coverage is poor, even on the main roads in the region.